Books to Read

The “inspiration” for this post came from a comment made by j razz over at his blog (Blogged Down World).

It can be truly said that the wife and I are bibliophiles. We’ve gotten to the point where we buy more books than we have time to read and as a result the queue is getting increasingly long.

For what it’s worth, here’s the list of books that are sitting on my shelf (or numerous other places throughout our home) and which I know that God willing I will finish at some point in the future:

5 Responses to Books to Read

  1. JT says:

    Don’t Waste Your Life is a great read, very convicting. It is actually free online to read, for those who don’t have a copy, at DesiringGod’s website.

  2. j razz says:

    Thanks for the plug Laz. Sounds like you have quite a reading list and varied at that! Keep us posted on how it goes.

    j razz

  3. Kimita says:

    hey hubby! i forgot to tell you that i started pilgrim’s progress last night at 11 pm! i’ve read about 30 pages and it’s really good! you can add that to your list next when i’m done 🙂

  4. Laz says:

    Yeah I guess I did forget Pilgrim’s Progress…

  5. freevolition says:

    Books! I love books! The more the better! All shapes, sizes and topics. Currently reading “Majesty The God You Should Know” by J. Sidlow Baxter. From one bibliophile to another, I highly recommend it.

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